A Few Lazy Girl Beauty Confessions


Clipping off nail polish just because…

Everyone who has ever used nail polish will understand the satisfaction of peeling a huge chunk of your polish off(not disgusting at all). It feels especially lovely when you can see the little details of your nail behind the polish. YUM

Hair washing is optional

For a thick haired girl like myself, I honestly don’t have the energy to wash my hair twice or even once a day like most people do. When the time comes that I have to wash my hair so many other things follow, like blowdrying and oiling my hair up. But there are just those days that you don’t really give a sh*t about your hair, so dry shampoo is your best friend.

dsc08696No shave november?

Haha! I am so guilty of this! I am not much of a shaver because I am all for waxing. But there are definitely times when I don’t want to spend or just too lazy to go out to the salon to tame my hairy legs, so I just keep them in hiding until I can’t stand them anymore.

Falling asleep with mascara on

Come to think of it, mascara IS pretty difficult to remove out of all the makeup you put on your face. You always need to put in that extra effort or use that special makeup remover of yours. And when you miss to do that, you end up with lash lines on your white pillow case. Don’t worry, we’ve all been there!

Picking off dried pimples

I know this is so TMI, but I hope I am not alone! Some people prefer to go to the dermatologist and others just wait for the pimple to dry out then pull it out themselves. It saves you some money too!(I don’t do anymore, fyi)

**All photos and video were taken with a Sony A6000**

Makeup For Eyeglass Wearers Video

Chatty 5 Product Makeup Tutorial Video

Email me at beaandbeautyy@gmail.com or Lets talk on Instagram @beaandbeauty



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