This is not the end…


I know this post has a VERY clickbait title but I have something to tell all of you.

You might have noticed that I didn’t get a post up last Thursday as scheduled. ; (

I will be taking a little break from the blog until further notice because I have been so busy balancing my life that I have become too tired to work on my blog. So much so, that I would treat my blog writing as a chore now, more than a hobby, which I dreaded to happen.

I seriously don’t know how people manage to juggle work, maintaining relationships, eating healthy, paying bills and kids. You guys should be saints!

So for now, consider me to be signing off temporarily to give myself some free time to focus on bettering(is that word?) myself. 




What Is Life Really Like After University?

woman-notebook-working-girlIf you are reading this, we can only presume that you are a few terms away till graduating, finishing your thesis, or gearing up to graduate. You’ve already ordered your gown, booked your gown and are currently mustering some words to add to yourFacebook profile caption when you get to finally post your graduation photo online, FINALLY. I know, It’s a wonderful feeling. You are finally about to graduate. The feeling is unexplainable. Its a mixture of pride, happiness and accomplishment. 

With all these feelings, I can’t help to mention that there is also a feeling of anxiety that comes with it. Yes, you are about to enter the big bad world of adulthood. But in order to be sure of having a smooth landing, I have come up with a few truths that come with entering the real world.

Ignore What Bitter People Say

I am not going to tell you that the real world will be strawberry fields forever–Beatles reference. However, it can be fun if you want it to be. Multiple times you are going to meet a lot of grumpy people who dislike their lives and drag their feet the whole time at work. Ignore these people. Your job can be enriching, satisfying and meaningful. It all stems on your attitude towards it.

Stay On Top Of Your Paperwork

The inevitable has come! Taxes, 401K enrollments, healthcare forms and oh god..paying rent. We all have to all start from somewhere. Get ahead and get organized.

Don’t Compare Yourself To Others

I feel as if everyone who graduates then goes to Europe for their master degree or lands an awesome job in a multinational company. These people make it seem so easy. Sometimes you will pretend to be super proud of them but really, there is a hint of jealousy in there. Don’t allow social media do this to you. Live your best life. A life that fits your means.

Your Major Will Not Matter Sometimes

This realization might shock recent graduates that end up getting a job that has no connection to their major. That’s why life skills are way more important. Don’t worry too much though. You have plenty of time to figure out your true passion, build a business and grow a family.

**All photos and video were taken with a Sony A6000**

Email me at or Lets talk on Instagram @beaandbeauty

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Bobbi Brown Liquid Liner Review & Swatch


The Bobbi Brown brand embraces natural beauty and owning your skin. There products range in all types of shades and finishes to perfectly fit all kind of women. This is what I love about this brand, its inclusivity.

This gel liner is for your everyday working girl. I think that this set would definitely help a makeup newbie know the technique in applying eyeliner. The liner pots come in a MINI pack, which I think is a better size than the standard because I am pretty sure that it ill dry up before I can even use up half of it!

The pots come in a Sepia and black shade. I personally like using the Sepia shade because it matches my skin better personally. 

I wouldn’t say that this is the longest lasting gel liner though. I definitely don’t recommend you to rub your eyes when wearing this, unless you want to look like a raccoon. But the finish it gives is very natural. I have yet to try this at the gym but I am too scared to, tbh.

The application brush is ALRIGHT. Its not the best, but it does the job. I wish I had the time(and money) to buy a nice angled brush to apply it with but I guess this will have to do.


**All photos and video were taken with a Sony A6000**

Email me at or Lets talk on Instagram @beaandbeauty

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