June Favorites | Life Lately


So yet another month has passed! It feels as if I just wrote my May Favorites last week! Like I been saying these past months, life has literally been so hectic. Both in my personal life and work life. 


Thank God that June came with 2 long weekends to relax and unwind! Which makes it a great way to reconnect with family and friends in the sun. Its definitely good balance after a super packed week of gym sessions, meetings, deadlines and of course, blog writing!

I also booked a trip with some of my friends to a destination that I have been dying to visit! Which I will reveal it in the coming months!


Right now, I just want to stay focused on eating healthy, working out, absorbing as much architectural knowledge as I can and just be happy in all aspects in life. I a world full of envy, war and greed, all we need from one another is love, compassion and happiness.

**All photos and video were taken with a Sony A6000**

Email me at beaandbeautyy@gmail.com or Lets talk on Instagram @beaandbeauty

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