5 Things Successful Women Do On A Friday


All successful women(not claiming that I am successful) know that a Friday night is a bit more important night compared to the other nights of the week. They don’t let the upcoming week phase them, so they make the most of their Friday, although we all know that Fridays are best time to hang out with friends and family, but if you want to be successful you won’t be running towards the nearest bar but planning for the week ahead.

Get Organized

Most successful career girl will always stick to their weekly routine, even on a Friday, even if the cocktails are calling their name. The fun will always come after work for sure, but they also know how to work on their dreams. A person looking for success will plan out her priorities for the upcoming week, whether personal or work related. Spend an hour working on your schedule for the week. This means when you are so out of energy on Monday, you have less to think about because you already scheduled it!

Keep in touch with your networks

Since Friday is all about being social, give yourself a little break by easing up on some numbers and instead turn on your network. Whether it’s clients you need to remain on good terms with or someone new who has a good reputation. Friday is a perfect day to tune in with everyone. Send a message to a friend who just got a promotion or write a friend. Networking is so vital in the working climate, so make the most out of it.

Clean up your files

From a week’s worth of hectic office life. Peers have probably dropped  by your desk with files, loose paper or upcoming projects. Friday is the best time to go through all of the files and clean/organize them all up.  

Get started on bigger projects

Of course Monday is the time to start working on your next big project. But When is the best time to plan for it? Friday of course! Plan for your next big move before you relax in reckless abandon on the weekend. Leave everything work related behind you for Saturday and Sunday!

Leave it all behind

Even the most ambitious women take breaks, and that’s what weekends are for! So make sure to give yourself a good break! I know It can be hard to let go of work sometimes, but it can wait over the weekend. Overworking yourself can sometimes make for poorly make content. When the day ends. Stop. And take a deep breathe, dish and dine with your fave people!

**All photos and video were taken with a Sony A6000**

Email me at beaandbeautyy@gmail.com or Lets talk on Instagram @beaandbeauty

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Mindsets To Help You Become Successful


Let’s be honest here. Even if we hate to admit it, a lot of us are all scared of not being the successful person we envisioned to be in the future; to travel the world, buy nice things, etcetera. But how do you become a successful person? It’s all about the mindset.

Well duh, of course a positive mindset will always make anything possible, but there are other mindsets that might help you as well, like being a risk taker or being a strong willed person who never gives up. Here are a few mindsets that might just help you conquer your ladder of success.

Set Your Goals And Act With A Purpose

Every great goal started with an even greater purpose. Keeping in mind the idea of helping someone/something at the end of the day makes it all the more worth it and helps you stay focused.

Take Risks

No one ever succeeds but just staying in their comfort zone. Be brave and be bold!

Choose Good Company

I find this very important!! Surround yourself with equally passionate and successful people that share your same mindsets. Those people can only lift you higher, as you can do with them.


Don’t Mind The Others

Everyone is walking their own path at their own pace. Don’t keep track on what others are achieving and why they are achieving it earlier than you. Just focus on yourself and put all of that energy into your passion project.

Choose What Matters To You

Success require so much dedication, so once you’ve set your goals, dedicate all your energy to it. I promise you that it won’t be easy in the beginning, but I swear it’ll be worth it!

Fake It Till You Make It

Confidence is key. Be proud of what you are doing, think big and one day success will be at your door step.

Be Grateful

When you are upset about a certain result, by not achieving a certain goal, look back at your past and think about all you’ve accomplished to be in the position you are in. Stay positive and grateful for every little thing that has happened.

**All photos and video were taken with a Sony A6000**

Email me at beaandbeautyy@gmail.com or Lets talk on Instagram @beaandbeauty

Follow me on Pinterest!




5 Things You Should Do Right Now To Be Successful


How successful you are really depends on your own definition of success. Are you planning on landing your dream job anytime soon? Maybe open a new business? or just start to have a happy and healthy life? I am guilty of looking at habit and routines of successful women and try to incorporate some that can work for my life as well. But it is definitely easier said than done. 

Are you willing to start your own journey for success? Here is what you might want to try.

**Disclaimer: I am not saying that this is the only way for you to become ‘successful’. Choose what works best for you.**

  1. Develop a hobby

I think that having a hobby aside from working your regular 9-5 is so important to have a work-life balance. Find out what you enjoy  doing outside of work and I guarantee you that you won’t regret it! In my case, my hobby is this blog that you are reading right now. This blog has helped me develop my writing and entrepreneurial skills in more ways than one. Aside from my blog, I also enjoy working out and going outdoor trekking. Never stop trying new things!

2. Find a Mentor

I think having a mentor can make a huge difference to your career. He/she doesn’t have to be a CEO or a President of some fancy corporation. But someone who you aspire to be or someone who can push you to achieve your career goals. Always help those who are willing to learn!

3. Surround Yourself With The Right People

I definitely think your journey to success depends on the people you surround yourself with. I think that it is important to create a support team that cheers you on and never doubts you, as you should be for them as well. There will always be some negativity one way or another, but surrounding yourself with equally ambitious people will help you motivated when things get rough! A mentor can also definitely be one of those people!

4. Learn One New Thing A Day

Kind of random but learning one new thing a day will help you boost your brain power. like staying up-to-date with current events! Whether you learn a super random fact, or you are trying to learn one new exotic word from the dictionary, it might just pay off one day.

5. Take Care of Yourself

As your success grows(because it eventually will), you will begin to realize that you aren’t getting any younger and you need to start looking out for yourself more than before. You are your biggest asset and never forget that success can bring some much craziness and happiness into your life. But can also bring stress and depression as well. So know your limits! Relax, work out, keep your body healthy and treat your body like a temple(keep it zen). What a difference it’ll make!

**All photos and video were taken with a Sony A6000**

Email me at beaandbeautyy@gmail.com or Lets talk on Instagram @beaandbeauty

