How To Get Out Most Of Your Fitbit


I feel like everyone has a Fitbit now! The mobile app is one of the most downloaded apps in the app store at the moment, which just shows how functional and tech friendly the app is. It is also perfect to help you keep track of your fitness goals and just life(food and water intake too!) in general.

If you have joined the Fitbit bandwagon or waiting to receive one for your birthday in the coming months. So here is to the rest of 2017(3/4th), and with our Fitbits to help us become healthier versions of ourselves.

My first Fitbit was the classic Fitbit Flex, but now that I have the Fitbit Charge to help me track my workouts more accurately(plus it has more features!) 

Set Up Mobile Track

This really helps when you leave your Fitbit by the shower or in charge, you can still track your progress on your phone int he meantime. Its not exactly the same but its better than no progress at all!

Turn Off All-Day Sync

The “All Day Sync” forces your Fitbit to be constantly in sync with your phone, which of course can be a good thing but it isn’t really every necessary. By turning it off saves loads of battery life. I remember one time my fit bit kept dying (I had to charge it once a day)because of this automatic feature but you can always turn it off. You can manually sync your progress everyday(hassle free). To turn this off, go to Account>Device>All Day Sync Button.

Use The Dominant Hand Setting

If your Fitbit to be calculating your steps incorrectly, try putting it on your more dominant hand, which you can find in the dashboard under wrist. I personally prefer using my non dominant hand because its less annoying when I do day to day things(like writing and typing on my computer).

Customize Your Dashboard

You might be surprised by how much the Fitbit keeps track off in your day to day movements(like your heartbeat, km walked, flights of stairs climbed and more). But there are definitely some that you care more about than others. You can customize your dashboard by pressing on the ‘Edit’ button on the bottom of the dashboard. Once that’s all sorted, you are one step closer to your #FitnessGoals!

**All photos and video were taken with a Sony A6000**

Email me at or Lets talk on Instagram @beaandbeauty

