CoLab Vs Dove Dry Shampoo Review


In the past year, I have been gravitating more and more to dry shampoo. I once thought it was annoying, itchy and unhygienic to use it since it prolongs the wear of your hair. But when I started really using it, I started to like it a bit more, especially after all sweaty when you need that fresh hair smell after the gym.

From what I can remember, Dove Dry Shampoo was the very first dry shampoo brand that I have tried. I didn’t find it all to comfort to wear at first, but I guess it grew on me. The verdict on the Dove Dry Shampoo is that I noticed that upon spray this on to my roots the product gave white streaks on my hair. This doesn’t bother THAT much because I have brown hair but this might be a problem for dark haired people.

I don’t think that there is any scent to it. It just smells fresh like soap or what. But all in all, its pretty good for the median price you pay, but could still be better I think!

This is something that I have just tried recently(I’m on my second bottle already), the COLAB Dry Shampoo in New York (and available in other scents) is brand by Ruth Crilly(amodelrecommends). What I really like about this brand of dry shampoo is that they offer a few scents to choose from depending on what is your favorite scent. Although I noticed that the tin empties faster, I think that it still makes up for it. But I feel that upon spraying this on to your hair, everything is find but I noticed that my hair still goes back to becoming oily after a few hours. 

So if you were to buy a dry shampoo, which brand will give you a bang for your buck? Can you guess it?

If you aren’t completely sold on the whole dry shampoo idea, you might find this helpful infographic by very convincing! Link HERE! Thanks Ilona! xx

**All photos and video were taken with a Sony A6000**

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